Monday, June 12, 2006


forty years late

Public Investigation of USS Liberty Incident
WHEREAS, ON June 8, 1967 while steaming in international waters off the coast of the Sinai Peninsula the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was attacked without warning; and,WHEREAS, the attack on the USS Liberty resulted in the death of 34 and wounding of 175 of the personnel attached to the USS Liberty; and,WHEREAS, according to the Congressional Research Service the United States government has never conducted an investigation of the attack on the USS Liberty; and, WHEREAS, on June 8, 2005 the crew of the USS Liberty filed a “Report of War Crimes Committed Against the United States Military, June 8, 1967” with the Department of Defense; and,WHEREAS, Department of Defense Directive 5100.77 requires the Department of Defense to conduct a thorough investigation of the allegations contained in the report filed by the crew of the USS Liberty; now therefore,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Department of Defense immediately initiate a complete and comprehensive public investigation to properly resolve the issues contained in the “Report of War Crimes Committed Against the United States Military, June 8, 1967” as filed by the crew of the USS Liberty.

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